- BSc in Biology, Utrecht University, 2019
- MSc in Environmental Biology, Utrecht University, 2021
#Work experience #====== #* Education and Research Assistant October 2021 - January 2022: # * Utrecht University # * Duties included: Writing a NWO research proposal # * Supervisor: Dr. Marijke van Kuijk
#Skills #====== #* Skill 1 #* Skill 2 # * Sub-skill 2.1 # * Sub-skill 2.2 # * Sub-skill 2.3 #* Skill 3
#Talks #====== # <ul> #
The terrestrial reptiles of the Netherlands
Talk at Stichting Delftse Natuurwacht, Delft, the Netherlands
# </ul>
#Teaching #====== # <ul> #
# #
# </ul>
#Service and leadership #====== #* Currently signed in to 43 different slack teams